Rewia - lata 20. lata 30.

Brak recenzji
29 June 2024 19:00
Zapraszamy na spotkanie z piosenką rodem z przedwojennych Cabaretów. Usłyszycie państwo takie utwory jak ,,Ja się boję sama spać" czy ,,Sexapil". Wspaniałe choreografie w wykonaniu pięknych tancerek. Pióra, cekiny i kolorowe falbany ,we wnętrzu prawdziwego starego Cabaretu. Zapraszamy!
Bilet z kolacją i deserem:1. Maczanka po krakowsku, ziemniaczki, sałatka z sosem winegret, deser, 100 ml wódki lub 200 ml wina / os (179 zł)2. Stek wołowy na kamieniach lawowych z pieczywem i sałatką, deser, 100 ml wódki lub 200 ml wina / os (209 zł)3. Łosoś pieczony z kaszą kuskus i sałatką z sosem winegret, deser, 100 ml wódki lub 200 ml wina / os (199 zł)4. Makaron penne z pomidorami i parmezanem, deser, 100 ml wódki lub 200 ml wina / os (169 zł)Bilet bez kolacji 99 złNapoje alkoholowe można zamienić na bezalkoholowe.Po przedstawieniu muzyka taneczna.Kolacja godz.
19.00 spektakl godz.
20.00."The 20s and 30s" is a wonderful vocal and dance spectacle that takes the audience back to the 1920s and 1930s in Poland. It is a tribute to the beauty and richness of the culture of that period, and especially to the popular songs that won the hearts of Poles. The show begins with an introduction to the atmosphere of the era. The dance group, consisting of talented dancers, enters the stage in elegant costumes inspired by the fashion of that time. Throughout the show, viewers are taken on a journey through various dances that were popular in the 1920s and 1930s. You can see energetic jazz dances such as charleston, black bottom, or lindy hop, which enliven the stage with their rhythm and virtuosity of movement. The dance group also performs romantic dances, such as tango and foxtrots, which reflect the atmosphere of elegance and grace of that era. The show also uses popular songs from that period, sung live by talented vocalists. You can hear such classics as "Tango milonga", "I'm afraid to sleep alone", "Brunettes, blondes" and "Sexapil". These melodies introduce the audience to the nostalgic atmosphere of the 1920s and 1930s and add emotion to the dance performance. The show "The 20s and 30s" is a tribute to those times, their culture and music. It takes viewers on a magical journey to the past, where they can experience the spirit of that period through dance and song. It is not only great entertainment, but also an opportunity to immerse yourself in history and discovering the cultural richness of Poland from many years ago. A spectacle for audiences from 7 to 100 years old.After the performance, dance music and an invitation for viewers to have fun on the dance floor.Duration: 75 minutes. Kup.

Wykonawcy / Artyści:

Teatr Cabaret


Teatr Cabaret
Kraków, Krakowska 5

Data i czas

Saturday 29 June 2024 godz. 19:00
Bilety w cenie od: 99 PLN
Teatr Cabaret
Kraków, Krakowska 5
Rewia - lata 20. lata 30.

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